Friday, 21 October 2016

How to open oracle application in windows from linux

[applmgr@apps14 scripts]$ grep login $CONTEXT_FILE  (for checking the LogIn url)
<login_page oa_var="s_login_page"></login_page>


If you want to open this link in windows:
  1     open notepad as Administrator privileges
  2     Ctl+O
  3     Go to this address (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc)
  4     Here select “hosts” & open file

  5     Add your machine ip and hostname

Start Menu › Control Panel  (keep its view in category) › System and Security › System
Open Advanced system settings
Click Environment Variables
Add a OS Parameter: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, and
parameter value: -Djava.vendor="Sun Microsystems Inc." 
Re-log or reboot your system
   Open Internet Explorer 
   Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level 
       Search for XSS Filter
      By Default it is Enabled. Now you Disable it.    
   Give yes
      Restart Browser.


    Uninstall all java versions.

        Download jre-7u79-windows 64 or 32-bit  And install it. then
        open control pannel -> change it to small icons ->open Java -> security -> 
        change to Medium ->Edit sait level -> apps login URL -> ok  ->Restart browser.


Thursday, 20 October 2016

oracle application user

Application Database Users:-

1.     Apps user
2.     Applsys
3.     Applsyspub
4.     Oracle
5.     Applmgr
6.     Gust user

Apps User is a Application Super User or Universal Schema. Apps User has complete access to EBS Data Module.  & APPS User has privilege to access all Application Objects.

       All runtime Applications connect to Apps Schema,
       Apps User is the owner of all Business Modules.
       Apps is the owner of AOL (Application Object Library) at Database level.
       All Tables Synonym of other Users by default will be granted to Apps User, so that the Apps User can be access the other Users Schema.

Applsys User is a common User created for all Technology Modules.

       Applsys is a owner of All Technology Modules & (Application Data Dictionary). 
       Applsys is the owner of Application at Database Level.

Sysadminis the System Administrator User to perform System Administrative tasks.

Applmgr User is the owner of Application Database Tire at O/S level.

Oracle Useris the owner of Oracle Database Tire at O/S level.

ApplsyspubUser checks the authentications. It will have all the login& logout details of the Users.
Note:- Apps is the default password for both Apps User and Applsys User.
If we change the Password of Apps User then it will automatically change the Password of Applsys User also.

Gust user:-
It is  application user with no responsibilities.


What is DBC File in oracle apps?

.dbc file :-

The .dbc file is actually the database connector descriptor file used to connect to database and this file is by-default located in $FND_TOP/secure directory, this file is quite important as whenever any program likes to connect to database like forms it uses dbc file where there you find the Guest_user_pwd ,when the guest user connect it does not allow it to directly connect to the database but it first connect goes via this file and cross verify the password of the guest which is kept in this file.

DBC file is quite important as whenever Java or any other program like forms want to connect to database it uses dbc file.

Typical entry in dbc file are:

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

FNDFS Error unable to view Concurrent program LOG and OUT files

An error occurred while attempting to establish an Applications File Server connection with the node FNDFS_APPLTOP_ . There may be a network configuration problem, or the TNS listener on node FNDFS_APPLTOP_ may not be running.Please contact your system administrator.

Problem : In R12, After running a Concurrent request, Unable to view LOG and OUT files of the Concurrent request and returns above error message.

Cause : The RRA is Not Enabled in the Profile Option.

Solution :
In the Profile Option –>system –> RRA: Enabled is set as No in Site Level. Make it to Yes.
Save and Logout and Retest the Issue.

EBS Technology Modules

(AOL) Oracle Application Object Library, It is also called as FND Foundation
(AD) Oracle Application Database
(AU) Oracle Application Utilities
(OWF) Oracle Work Flow
(ALR) Oracle Alert
(FWK) AO Frame Work
(XDO)XML publisher
(AK) Common Module
Tech Stack:-     8o6_HOME (11i)    IAS_HOME(R12)
 AOL(Oracle Application Object Library):-

AOL is  a Centralized technology module or Key Component of Application. which contains ApplicationData Dictionary and Meta Data of Application. AOL is also called asFND foundation. and all other modules depends on AOL.
       AOL is the Heart of Application Database.
       AOL Controls Access to the Database in Oracle Applications through user sign-on and responsibilities. AOL stores all Application User Information.

(AD) Application Database Module:-

AD is a Technology Module which  provide all AD Utilities for performing different maintenance activities  for Application Database like:- Patching, Cloning, General Maintenance,& Administration etc.AD Table contains information about bugs, Patching etc.

(AU) Application Utilities:- 

AU contain all form Files (.fmb) and Reportsor Running Reports invoked by the Report Server from a Standard Shared Location.

(OWF) Oracle Work Flow:-

It is a Technology Module. The Work Flow   help the Business to transfer the business Documents from one user to another user in the form of E-Notification.

(AK) Common Module:- 

AK is a active directory that enables us to define Oracle Application components for HTML based Applications. It is used to develop inquiry HTML based Application.

(ALR) Alerts:- 

ALR allows us to Email system notifications to User when an Exception or Event has occurred.

Ex:- We can send a Email to Key Database Administrator when a Tablespace in Application Database go field up.

(XDO) XML Publisher:- 

XML Publisher is a Java based product based on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). XML Publisher use Data  definition and templates to produce output Report in the desired

(FWK) Application Frame Work:-

FWK is the Oracle Application  development and deployment platform for fast & highly Scalable HTML

oracle application concurrent managers

How to check the running concurrent managers?
$ ps -ef|grep FNDLIBR

ICM (internal concurrent manager):-
The master manager is called the Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) because it controls the behavior of all of the other managers, and because the ICM is the boss, it must be running before any other managers can be activated. The main functions of the ICM are to start up and shutdown the individual concurrent managers, and reset the other managers after one them has a failure.
It is a FNDLIBR process
It is used to communicate the service manager (GSM).

Located at:- $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG 

Standard Manager:
 Another important master Concurrent Manager is called the Standard Manager (SM). The SM functions to run any reports and batch jobs that have not been defined to run in any specific product manager. Examples of specific concurrent managers include the Inventory Manager, CRP Inquiry Manager, and the Receivables Tax Manager.
used to perform the single client request processing. & used to execute the all all the concurrent managers.
If any request is not defined to run the standard manager will take care of that request.

Conflict Resolution Manager — The Conflict Resolution Manager (CRM) functions to check concurrent program definitions for incompatibility rules. However, the ICM can be configured to take over the CRM's job to resolve incompatibilities.

It is service manager. FNDSM is executable and core component in GSM ( Generic Service Management Framework discussed above). You start FNDSM services via application listener on all Nodes in Application Tier in E-Business Suite.

APPS listener:-
Combination of FNDFS & FNDSM.

FNDFS or the Report Review Agent (RRA) is the default text viewer within Oracle Applications, which allows users to view report output and log files. Report Review Agent is also referred to by the executable FNDFS. The default viewer must be configured correctly before external editors or browsers are used for viewing requests.

GSM:-  (generic service manager)
GSM stands for Generic Service Management Framework. Oracle E-Business Suite consist of various compoennts like Forms, Reports, Web Server, Workflow, Concurrent Manager ..

Service Management is an extension of Concurrent Processing, which provides a powerful framework for managing processes on multiple host machines.   Today, services such as the Oracle Forms Listener, Oracle Reports Server, Apache Web listener, and Oracle Workflow Mailer can be run under Service Management.

 With Service Management, the Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) manages the various service processes across multiple hosts. On each host, a Service Manager acts on behalf of the ICM, allowing the ICM to monitor and control service processes on that host. System administrators can then configure, monitor, and control services though a management console which communicates with the ICM.

Service Management provides a fault tolerant system. If a service process exits unexpectedly, the ICM will automatically attempt to restart the process.  If a host fails, the ICM may start the affected service processes on a secondary host.  The ICM itself is monitored and kept alive by Internal Monitor processes located on various hosts.

OPP:- (output post processer)
OPP is an enhancement to Concurrent Processing and is designed to support XML Publisher as post-processing action for concurrent requests. If a request is submitted with an XML Publisher template specified as a layout for the concurrent request output, then after the concurrent manager finishes running the concurrent program, it will contact the OPP to apply the XML Publisher template and create the final output.
Thread Vs Process :You can either increase process (or) threads. It depends on the load .
Reseting and altering can be done via these navigation
Concurrent -> Manager -> Define > Output Post Processor

Locating OPP log file?
whenever XML issues or other publishing problems occurs, first thing you will do is to trace the OPP logfile.Locating such logs is not a big things, just follow the steps below:
1.     logon with System Administrator
2.     Function: Concurrent --> Manager --> Administration and select the Output Post Processor
3.     Click on the Processes button
4.     Select the Concurrent Process which was active during the time that the request ran
5.     Click on the Manager Log button to open the Output Post Processor log file

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Oracle E-Business Suite Architecture

Oracle's E-Business Suite (also known as Applications/Apps or EB-Suite/EBS) consists of a collection of enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and supply-chain management (SCM) computer applications either developed or acquired by Oracle.

Oracle EBS R12 Applications is a three-tiered architecture. It is a collection of
1.Desktop Tier                                                                                                  
2.Application Tier
3.Database Tier

The three-tier architecture that comprises an Oracle E-Business Suite installation is made up of the database tier, which supports and manages the Oracle database, the application tier, which supports and manages the various Oracle E-Business Suite components.

Client Desktop Tire:- A Client Desk Top is a Server from the Users can access the Middle Tire with the help of client desktop through Web browser.

Client Applet

Jar Files
Web browser                                      

1. Jinitator Plug-in(jdk)

2.sunj2se (jre)

When a User wants to connect to Application Tire he should connect to PHP Personal Home Page.
On Client side we need Web browser & recommended plug-in to connect and access Middle Tire.
Plug-in will automatically install by web browser when a User try to connect Middle Tire.

Java plug_in:-it is used to open the forms.

Application Tire:-

The application tier has a dual role: hosting the various servers and service groups that process the business logic, and managing communication between the desktop tier and the database tier. This tier is sometimes referred to as the middle tier.
Three servers or service groups comprise the basic application tier for Oracle E-Business Suite:
·        Web services
·        Forms services
·        Concurrent Processing server

Load Balancing

The application tier supports load balancing among many of its servers and services to help provide higher availability, fault tolerance, reliability, and optimal scalability. If you have more than one of any of the following types of server, load balancing can be employed:
·        Web services
·        Forms services
·        Concurrent Processing server

Relationship between the two Application Server ORACLE_HOMEs 

There are many Application Servers or Services in Application Server
they are:-
       Web Server              
       Forms Server           
       Report Server          
       CMS  or Concurrent Processor Server 
       Admin Server 
       Discoverer Server

Web server (or) apache server:-
HTML Application is managed by Apache Server or Web Server.
This is also called as HTTP server and it is used to process the received client request from browser. The components of web server is
1.     Web listener.
2.     OC4J (or) java servlet engine.
3.     JSP  (java servlet page)

How to bounce back the apache ?
$./ stop/start
$./ stop/start

Web listener:-
It is a component which establish a connection between Client and Application Server,&  accept incoming requests from Client
Used to send the requests  to user and html home pages based on the port numbers. This listener is started by the server)  80 is the web listener port number .

It is used to run the java, sql,plsql programs.
Java Servlet Engine or oc4j Servlet Engine = Servlet is Server side product
which will manage all HTML Servers.

It is a component which build the Java Reports.
It is used to take the request from servlet engine(OC4J) and convert to java code and connect to database with the help of .dbc file & find the application meta data for the users request.
Manly it is used to recives the java code and convert the html page and send to the web listener.

it is a interface between the user and database. With the help of forms we can performs the DDL,DML operations. like select , Insert, delete, update the Data through Forms.
There are (2) files of Forms, they are:-
       .fmb (source code file) = It is a Platform independent file
       .fmx (Executable file) = It is a Platform Dependent.
Located at:- $AU_TOP/forms/US
 This files used to create the user interface forms.

Forms Server:-
The Form Server hosts the Application forms & runtime engine that mediates the communication between Client & Database Server, displaying the Client Screen & initiating changes in the Database according to the User actions, Forms Server manage all the Forms.

If the User request is Form based request then the Forms Server do all the Process.Oracle recommends to run the Form Server in socket mode connection.Forms Server will be manage by  oc4j in Servlet mode Engine.  

Types of form modes:-
1.     Socket mode
2.     Servlet mode

Socket mode:-

Here forms will open with the help of socket requests.
It is a not a establish connection.
Need to use the different port numbers to open the forms.
Not supports windows.
Use only local nework connectivity.

Servlet mode:-

Forms will open with the help of servlet request.
No need use the different port number.
Automatically reestablish the connection.
It use the apache port number.


Report is also a Interface between User and Database. Reports will display output to Users. There are (2) file of Report they are:-
 .rdf (Report definition files) (Source file)
              .rcp (Executable file)

Report Server:- 

The Report Server generates and manage Business Intelligent Reports & it dynamically select the Report language at runtime so that Users can see their Reports in their preferred language. Report Server automatically installed on the same Server as the concurrent Processing Server. The Report Server generated the Reports.

Concurrent Processing Server:- 

Concurrent manager is a back ground process which manage the all the concurrent requests in oracle apps. Concurrent manager Server is also known as Concurrent Processing Server, Concurrent manager Server check whether any request has submitted to the Database by Clients & assign the Job according to the User request. CMS Server co-ordinate the process and assign concurrent Jobs. The CMS act as a Middle Man between the Client and Database Server.

Concurrent Programs:- 

A program can generate the reports is called concurrent program. A Concurrent Program is an Instance of an  Execution File along with Parameter definition and incompatibilities.
       A Concurrent Program is based on Concurrent Executables
       A Concurrent Program can be run simultaneously by multiple Users at the same time.
The different types of Concurrent Executables are:-
                           1. Oracle Report
                           2. Pl/SqlProcedures 
                           3. Java Procedures 
                           4. Shell Scripts
                           5.Perl Scripts and 6. C Program

Concurrent request:-

if the user wants to run the reports that time user will send a request the is called concurrent request.

Main Concurrent managers:-
1.     ICM  (internal concurrent manager)
2.     SM   (sanded manager)
3.     CRM (conflict resource manager )
4.     FNDFS 
5.     FNDSM
6.     GSM    (generic service manager)
7.     OPP      (out put post processor)